Carbon Footprint Measurement

As one of the pillars of Mathiesen Group’s Sustainability Strategy, we reaffirm our environmental commitment by focusing on reducing our ecological impact. As a significant step forward on this path, we have decided to measure our carbon footprint to actively work on its reduction.

What is the carbon footprint and why is it important to measure?

The carbon footprint is defined as the set of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated, directly or indirectly, by individuals, organizations, products, events, or regions.

Applied Methodology

We have worked under the standards of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, which identifies and quantifies GHG emissions that, due to their absorption of solar radiation, are responsible for global warming.

Considerations for Measuring the Carbon Footprint

Given that each gas has a different impact and persistence in the atmosphere, to standardize the data and make it comparable, all gases are converted into carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).

Scope of GHG Emissions

The GHG protocol classifies emissions into three scopes:
  • Scope 1: Direct emissions from sources controlled by the organization (fossil fuels, energy, refrigerants, vehicles).
  • Scope 2: Indirect emissions generated by electricity consumption.
  • Scope 3: Indirect emissions associated with the supply chain.

Carbon Footprint Results 2023

Mathiesen’s total carbon footprint, considering all scopes was 163,783 tCO2e in 2023.Scope 1 and 2: Emissions from Mathiesen’s own operations represent 0.32% of the total footprint. The main sources of scope 1 and 2 emissions were:
  • Mobile source: 46.91%
  • Electricity consumption: 33.04%
  • Stationary source: 18.87%
Scope 3: Indirect emissions associated with supply chain represent 99.68 % of the total footprint. The main sources of scope 3 emissions were:
  • Product transportation: 64%
  • Raw material consumption: 10%
  • Input transportation: 9%.

Obtained Indicators

  • Inputs: 0.003 tCO2e / TM
  • Per person: 487,450 tCO2e / person

Positive Impact and Benefits of Carbon Footprint Management

Direct Environmental Benefits:
  • Reduction of emissions in processes.
  • Conservation of natural resources.
Advantages for Customers and Communities:
  • Offering products with a lower environmental impact.
  • Promoting education and awareness about climate change.

Future Actions for Carbon Footprint Management

  • Establishing science-based targets.
  • Expanding emission reduction and offset projects.
  • Inspiring other companies to reduce their emissions and participate in climate change initiatives.